Where Old Dogs Fly

Where Old Dogs Fly
In the roaring 20s, hardly anyone had even seen or touched an airplane, much less flown in one, so it generated a lot of excitement when pilots returning from WWI bought cheap surplus airplanes and sold rides from farmers’ fields. Dubbed “Barnstormers” by the media, these early aviators turned a nation’s attention to the skies.

These pilots made local headlines and were treated like heroes. Using Jennys, Canucks, Wacos, and anything else that could fly, the Barnstormers inspired a generation to span oceans, cross deserts, and eventually land a man on the moon and bring him back again—of the first seven astronauts, all but one was inspired by a Barnstormer or had an early exposure to aviation.
Today’s kids have just as much of an appetite for adventure, but their opportunities for hands-on exposure are limited. That’s where we come in.
Our mission is simple…
…to inspire youngsters to take to the skies. Just like the Barnstormers of the past.