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Where Old Dogs Fly

Where Old Dogs Fly

In the roaring 20s, hardly anyone had even seen or touched an airplane, much less flown in one, so it generated a lot of excitement when pilots returning from WWI bought cheap surplus airplanes and sold rides from farmers’ fields. Dubbed “Barnstormers” by the media, these early aviators turned a nation’s attention to the skies.

These pilots made local headlines and were treated like heroes. Using Jennys, Canucks, Wacos, and anything else that could fly, the Barnstormers inspired a generation to span oceans, cross deserts, and eventually land a man on the moon and bring him back again—of the first seven astronauts, all but one was inspired by a Barnstormer or had an early exposure to aviation.

Today’s kids have just as much of an appetite for adventure, but their opportunities for hands-on exposure are limited. That’s where we come in.

Our mission is simple…

…to inspire youngsters to take to the skies. Just like the Barnstormers of the past.

young man wearing headset in front seat of piper cub, turning around and smiling
young man wearing headset in front seat of piper cub, turning around and smiling
young person in red hoodie and jeans kneeling on the floor welding
young man wearing headset in front seat of piper cub, turning around and smiling
scouts working on making an airplane wing
girl in aviator helmet and headset turning to smile at person in back seat of piper cub

2025 Raffle

1946 Piper J-3 Cub!!
Beautifully Restored, 100HP!!