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Our 11th Annual Fly-In & Car Show is going to happen this October, 2025

We're working out the details and exact date. I'll be adding them as quick as I can firm things up, but here's the short list you can count on. Old School Cool Planes, Pilots & Cars, BBQ, Hit and Miss Ice Cream, Family fun. The High School Students will be out in force and will be happy to answer questions about the Piper J3 Cub they're rebuilding.


We won't be using the grass area for takeoffs and landings during the fly-in unless you get here very early or leave late. By necessity, we park airplanes on it during the days activities.

Monitor 122.9. We will be monitoring as well. I'm not sure what the wind will be, but both 17 and 35 have left traffic patterns. Please follow current FAA guidlines and be aware we have a significant number of no radio aircraft. 

Park as directed, watch for pedestrians and be safe.

Why wait for an event?

There doesn’t need to be a fly-in for you to visit. Drop us a line and we’ll be glad to show you around. There’s lots to see and do around here…lots of great food, the painted churches, and we’ll keep you entertained, that’s for sure. Our hours are inconsistent, so please call first if you’d like to see the airplanes. it’s never an imposition and we’ll put on the dog for you! (sorry)

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“Stick-and-rudder” camps

In early June we brought three students from Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology for a week to fly the Cubs. It was a blast. They stayed a week, learning to fly tailwheel aircraft, doing spin training, and getting 10–12 hours each in vintage aircraft, including the Stearman. We flew twice daily, and Miss Lisa cooked dinner for a family-style meal each night. Talk about fun.

Well, in that spirit, we decided  to offer “Stick and rudder” camps throughout the year. The training will be available to anyone (certain limits apply), and a few scholarships will be made available to students at Aeronautical Universities. We are working out the details and costs, but it’s a pretty great opportunity to fly vintage aircraft that are not too readily available. All the training will be done in our Cubs and Stearman, but we may also include a little Staggerwing training in the curriculum for the more advanced students. We’ll post the details on a separate page once we get situated. 

parks college kids standing with jim baker in front of a yellow stearman