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People often ask about the dog and the rocket. Like everything else, there’s a story that goes along with it, so here goes...

When I was young, I really wanted to have a flying service with my Dad. He loved old airplanes, and we talked about putting a runway in the front pasture and buying a PA-11 or Cub. When I was a teenager, even when we disagreed (lots), we could always talk old airplanes. I wanted to be a crop duster, but like any good parent, Dad wasn’t too keen on that idea. Time passed and I got busy earning my living by flying, always thinking Dad would be there. He became ill in 1990, so I sold my airplanes and moved back to the farm in the spring of 1991. He passed away soon thereafter.

I inherited his beloved Bassett hound, Rosie, and in keeping with a lifelong dream, Rosie and I started the flying service. We built a runway on the front pasture, bought a beat up old 235 Hutch Wing Pawnee, which I named Grady, and started spraying alfalfa. The rest is history.

The Rocket is a tribute to Dad’s profession—NASA engineer—the dog is Rosie, and I put the logo on all my spray planes, beginning with Grady. It just seemed fitting to include them both into this endeavour.

I miss you Dad.