Lots of folks would have seen this little Cub and would have thought it ugly, abandoned or neglected. Being an airplane guy and somewhat of a restorer, I understood the airplanes condition perfectly the instant I saw it and met the owner. It's condition wasn't one of neglect, it was love. The owner loved the little cub and knew what an undertaking it is to rebuild one of these little jewels. He simply chose to fly it as long as he could, and did so, without care for the way it appeared to others. I learned a long time ago in my crop dusting days there's so much more to an airplane than a coat of paint. Always patching and fixing to keep an airplane airworthy is a way of life for much of the flying community, and has been the credo of this airplanes life. Somewhere on this website I've said the best looking airplanes aren't polished and behind velvet ropes... they're covered with bugs, oil on the belly and a couple of people inside smiling. This airplane is exactly that... in fact, my very definition of "a best airplane".
Still, sometimes a little lipstick helps. Combine that with a classroom full of enthusiastic students and it becomes apparent that we were made for each other.
Stay tuned, because a lot of transformation starts here. I'm not just talking about the airplane. A group of youngsters lives and the way they see an airplane is going to change just as drastically.